Bonus Email

Hey Friends! I said last week would be the last email of the year. Well, I was wrong. I write when I feel moved to write. So here you go. My team brainstormed their words for 2024. I wanted to share them with you and encourage you to come up with your three words for […]
Home for the Holidays

This is the last email of this year from me! I am taking 2 weeks off from writing and will be doing some travelling and just generally relaxing with some friends and family. I don’t do this very often and always feel the need to stay consistent with stuff like this. Well, not this year people. […]
December Hero of the Month: San Bedford

J. Harmon Home Team would like to congratulate San Bedford on being awarded our December 2023 Hero of the Month award. Her nomination reads: I graduated high school with Cassandra, I never have seen a person with a heart for children more than “San” that’s her nickname. Every year for the community out in the park , for the […]
Over-Holidaying vs. Over Holidays

Man oh man. This time of year is absolutely nuts. Everyone has their holiday gathering. All the stresses of dirty Santa, ornament swap, secret Santa, draw names, buy everyone a gift, include a gift receipt, stress about whether they will like it, host gifts, potlucks, sales, will Amazon deliver in time, is this the year […]

You never know when your words will come back to you. I talk a lot. Like, A LOT. I also type these emails pretty much every week. Sometimes they are about real estate but mostly, they are about life and observations and lessons learned. And, mostly, they are good and are nuggets worth sharing. I […]
The Talk

Last week my wife and I had the talk with our youngest. Not that “the talk”, the one about the man in the red suit. It went pretty well and I would like to share how we did it, just in case you are stuck. We started by having it at brunch on a Sunday. […]

Perspective is important. I recently saw the following posted on a Realtor friend’s Facebook page. Perspective: In 1971 mortgage rates were 7.33%. If you waited to purchase a home until rates went down, you waited until 1993. You would have rented for 22 years. Meanwhile, the value of real estate QUADRUPLED! I found this information both […]
Words Matter

The words you use matter. They determine how people see you and remember you. Do you strive to use the most precise words? Do you settle for simple, lazy words? OR, do you use unapproachable words and make people feel dumb? Do you swear a lot? Do you use disrespectful slang all the time? Do you […]
Safe Failing

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about all the ailments of the “world we live in now-a-days” and had an epiphany. One of the main problems we face is that my generation, probably one older and definitely the ones younger than me are systematically eliminating the opportunity for our kids […]
October Teacher of the Month: Lori Scott

J. Harmon Home Team would like to congratulate Lori Scott on being awarded our October Teacher of the Month award. Her nomination reads: Mrs. Lori Scott has been an educator for 25 years. She has taught in both Metro Nashville and her longest time has been in Rutherford County serving middle level students. She has been an ELA teacher […]