Managing Expectations

The single most important job I have in real estate is to manage expectations. Set them where they should be and then either meet or, hopefully, exceed them. This applies to pricing, concessions, condition of property, communication, steps of the process, and literally everything else that I do. A professional knows the steps. Knows the red flags. Knows the potential snags way before they happen and is able to derail a potential situation. A professional tells the client, even if they don’t want to hear it, that there are caveats and detours that could happen. A professional anticipates those snags and is overly cautious, at least with their warnings and contingency planning. A professional knows and communicates what could happen and can even articulate the likelihood that it will. 

The biggest hurdle to this job is that everyone comes into the relationship with their own set of expectations. Maybe they are from a previous transaction. Maybe from a friend’s transaction, they are familiar with. Maybe from a TV show or article they read. Who knows. Maybe they are completely fabricated. Either way, nothing happens in a vacuum and because of this, we start out with a set of expectations. I have to find those and correct them sometimes. And that is hard

What are your expectations when it comes to real estate? How often should your agent communicate with you? How should they communicate with you? Do you want them to alert you to every possible scenario–good and bad–even if it causes you anxiety? 

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