Lessons from Iceland 2

There is a phrase in Iceland that is common for the second time you meet someone (or subsequent meetings). 

takk fyrir síðast

It literally translates to “thanks for the last time” and is a standard thing to say to folks when you hung out, partied, had coffee, whatever previously and this is the second meeting. It communicates that you remember the last time and are grateful for a second meeting. 

I love this because it is the epitome of relationship building. If we remembered the last meeting and were truly grateful for it and the subsequent ones, think about how that would build relationship. It takes the focus entirely off ourselves and acknowledges that the other person owes us nothing. We are grateful that they gave us something more valuable than almost anything else–their time and attention. Thats powerful folks. 

Next lesson is about being a taker instead of a leaver. It also ties into one of my all time favorite books.

Check out the article from Grapevine.is (the source of all things Iceland) https://grapevine.is/mag/articles/2004/08/20/the-politeness-of-icelanders/

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