This is a crazy, volatile time in our country. People are more divided than I can remember. Folks unfriend people just for disagreeing with them on an opinion. We are absolutely inundated with confirmation bias due to our social media. We are manipulated into thinking that simple disagreements or differences of opinion make our neighbors our enemies. People want their leaders to talk tough but hurl accusations and insults if opposing view points do the same. Trust in the media to deliver actual news has never been lower. Most everyone views the media as biased in some way. Most people will agree that all media pushes an agenda–just depends on which side you are to determine which media pushes which agenda.
In the process the middle is constantly eroded. If you aren’t extreme enough, you are soft. Soft on this issue or that. Or perhaps you are just not as educated as I am. Or perhaps you are just stupid. And that is how it devolves. And usually that quickly or quicker.
Why? Why have we lost the ability to debate, discuss and disagree? Why have we allowed this to happen, even encouraged it? Can we get it back? Can we get back to the point of civility? It is my opinion that most of the best answers lie in the middle. That compromise and collaboration yield far better results than discord and resentment.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in presidential election cycles of late. Holy smokes yall. It is absolutely brutal the way they treat each other and the way their supporters follow. It is embarrassing. It is something that should not happen in our country. There is no good nature left. I hate this time. I truly want to leave and come back when it’s over. I don’t think I am alone in this regard. And this has created so much fear and hesitation. Depending on your slant, if so and so wins, the world is going to fall apart. Or if such and such wins, we are all going to die. It’s shameful, illogical and all too prevalent. And it makes rational people do irrational things.
In Real Estate, people basically put their lives on hold because they want to wait until after the election to see who wins. Like if this one wins, I should keep my house. If this other one wins, I should sell it. Folks, the president not only has nothing to do with your house, they don’t care AT ALL about your house. There is literally no connection. Other than in your mind. This is the 4th presidential cycle I’ve been through and each of the previous ones were in very different markets from each other and from this one. And the one universal factor is that people stop. They just stop. No movement. Doesn’t matter the facts or the opportunities. Just stop. And this opens up so many opportunities. Some people can’t stop. They have to sell. And since activity goes practically to 0, they are offering all kinds of things to help move the needle.
What should you do? First, take a deep breath and realize that no matter who wins, life will go on largely unchanged. Second, stop yourself from being single minded. It’s ok to be staunch. But listen more than you talk. And stay friends. Be friendly and respectful. Re-learn how to disagree. It’s ok. It’s also ok that your views might evolve. Honestly, I hope they do. As you accumulate life experience and wisdom, you should evolve. If you don’t, I kinda wonder about the life you are living. Finally, be open. Be willing to be a solution instead of a problem. Some people just want to vent. Some want to test. Some want to test themselves. Let them. Be slow to “correct” them. Above all, be patient and kind.
The last thing I would tell you is to demand more. Demand better behavior from our leaders. Demand better sportsmanship. If your 12 year old acted on a sports field the way some leaders act in debates, they would be suspended and you would ground them. yet, we expect and applaud it from our leaders. Crazy. Do better and demand better. Our country is worth it.